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- Bay Area Employers: Shelter in Place Order Extended
(posted: Apr, 2020)SIP extended through May 31st. The SF Bay Area will continue to shelter in place through the end of May, even as other parts of the U.S. begin to reopen.
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- Bay Area Counties Issue New Order, SIP thru May
(posted: Apr, 2020)The 6 counties are extending SIP through the end of May, but are also easing restrictions in a few key areas like construction.
Workers' Compensation - Regulation Change
posted: July 6th, 2014

Workers' compensation regulations on the predesignation of personal physicians take effect July 1.
According to the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), the final regulations change the criteria that an employee must meet to predesignate a personal physician or medical group for work-related injuries or illnesses.
DIR also revised the forms used for predesignating a personal physician or a personal chiropractor and the Workers' Compensation pamphlet that employees must receive at the time of hire.
Please Contact Us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this change - We are here to help!