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- Bay Area Employers: Shelter in Place Order Extended
(posted: Apr, 2020)SIP extended through May 31st. The SF Bay Area will continue to shelter in place through the end of May, even as other parts of the U.S. begin to reopen.
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- Bay Area Counties Issue New Order, SIP thru May
(posted: Apr, 2020)The 6 counties are extending SIP through the end of May, but are also easing restrictions in a few key areas like construction.
HRSPI Major Sponsor of HR Symposium 2014
posted: March 26th, 2014

HR Solutions Partners (HRSPI) is proud to be a major sponsor of the 2014 HR Symposium, the premier human resources event in Northern California.
The HR Symposium is a forum that brings together business experts, leaders, and human resources professionals to discuss issues and trends affecting HR and the Silicon Valley.
Due to the generous contributions of sponsors like HRSPI, the bulk of the registration fees received for the HR Symposium go to Human Resources, Inc., a nonprofit corporation that manages the funds for scholarships awarded to upper division students majoring in Human Resource Management at universities in Northern California.
"We are very proud to be sponsoring this important event, and thrilled to contribute to the educational opportunities of aspiring HR students," said Donna DeGrande, CEO & President of HRSPI.
HR Solutions Partners, Inc, specialize in working with small-to-mid sized employers to provide outsourced HR administration, HR executive search, general HR recruiting, interim HR staffing, & HR consulting. Their services are designed to be affordable, scalable and highly effective in meeting all Human Resource needs.