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- Bay Area Employers: Shelter in Place Order Extended
(posted: Apr, 2020)SIP extended through May 31st. The SF Bay Area will continue to shelter in place through the end of May, even as other parts of the U.S. begin to reopen.
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- Bay Area Counties Issue New Order, SIP thru May
(posted: Apr, 2020)The 6 counties are extending SIP through the end of May, but are also easing restrictions in a few key areas like construction.
Holiday Party Memo Sample
(posted: November 26th, 2018)

Below is a sample holiday party memo. Of course the details will differ, for example, you may not have alcohol at your event, or you may have a dress code, or you may be having a costume party. Use this as a starting point, customize as required, but make sure to send it out well in advance of your company party.
Sample courtesy of
To: {Company Name} Employees
From: Human Resources
Date: xx xx xxxx
RE: Company Event Conduct Reminders
As you know, the {impending event} is just around the corner. I know all of you know what is expected of you in terms of conduct at a company event but wanted to provide reminders to everyone about expectations of conduct. It is important to remember that we have new employees who may have not attended a company event before. The first reminder is that we want everyone to be safe, healthy, and have a good time. Adherence to these tips will help ensure that you will do so.
1) Alcohol - Please remember to not over indulge and if you are planning to drive please limit your alcohol consumption and make plans with a pre-designated driver. Alcoholic beverages will cease being served one hour before the planned close of the party; non-alcoholic beverages will continue to be available. Employees who are not of legal age should not request them, nor will they be permitted to consume alcohol. We will have professional bartenders. Employees are not permitted to serve alcohol.
2) Apparel - No one is expected to wear formal attire but at a minimum please adhere to business casual rules for the workplace. We discourage inappropriate attire at company events since you will be among co-workers, clientele, vendors, customers and their families.
3) Comportment – Remember that you are still held to company rules about harassing behavior. Please use only language which would be appropriate for the workplace setting. The company workplace harassment policies are in effect even at the event.
4) Post-Party – Eat, drink, and be merry, but be careful how you leave, who you leave with, and where you go when you leave. You should arrange in advance of the company function for your post-party plans. The company has also made arrangements with a taxi firm to be available to transport employees who do not have a designated ride to get home safely.
5) Gift Giving - The organization may have lottery door prizes available and we do not encourage, but will permit gift giving at the party. Gifts should not be obscene, offensive, or of a sexually explicit nature.
6) Smoking - Smoking is not permitted within the party site. However, the facility may have a designated smoking area for smokers.
Let's all do our part (and our best) to ensure a highly successful and enjoyable event!